Hemp concrete has a chance to revolutionize natural construction because it fits strongly in the trend of renewable resources.
It has a negative carbon footprint because, as it grows, hemp absorbs more carbon dioxide than it is later used to make into building materials.
This material is called "concrete" on the one hand because it is made of a combination of filler and binder (hemp shives with lime), and on the other hand because of its gradual hardening, as the lime becomes harder and harder by the carbonization process, therefore Year after year, the structure is more durable and the lime slowly transforms into limestone.
Hempcrete is a very good thermal insulator. It is completely non-flammable and thanks to the lime content it is resistant to the development of fungi and mold.
It is a completely biodegradable material - if necessary, e.g. after demolition of the house, it is 100% decomposed.